As you may have seen from recent posts on our social media accounts, we are hosting an NFAS open shoot on the 31st of October 2021. This means we will be having several maintenance days in the next couple of months to prepare the woodland and the course.
Hosting an open shoot takes a substantial amount of work, both in the weeks before the shoot and also on the day of the shoot. The funds we raise by hosting the shoot go a long way towards helping us maintain and replace the equipment and facilities we all use as members of the club, including the hall and woodland. We would like as many members as possible to get involved in hosting the shoot this year, so if you can spare any time at all, no matter how little, please come and join us at the wood on one of the maintenance days.
The first maintenance day will be on the 11th of September and we will look to arrive around 10am. I realise this may be short notice for a lot of you so don’t worry if you can’t attend. There will be more opportunities to get involved over the coming weeks.
The first maintenance day will usually involve a survey of the woodland and the course to assess how much work will be required and to draw up a list of tasks. If time permits, it may also involve some course planning for the second loop of the NFAS course that will run through our permanent EFAA course.
We also need to get an idea of how many people want to get involved and also, how many of you can commit to attending on the day of the shoot to assist with the various duties such as marshalling and car parking.
If you are unable to attend on the 11th and still want to get involved, please let me know by replying to this email. For those of you who wish to get involved and can attend the woodland on the 11th, we’ll see you there.
Thanks in advance